Lennie Beattie

Lennie Beattie

Content Strategist

Lennie Beattie

Lennie has 20 years’ experience creating and managing online content. She has helped many organisations – large and small, public and private – conquer complex content problems, create meaningful content, and put processes and people in place to maintain it.

In 2011, Lennie founded Content Ark. Tired of wading through poorly planned and executed content, Lennie decided to do something about it! Taking a steer from similar companies in the USA and the UK, Content Ark became one of the first content
strategy consultancies in Australia. Lennie is also the organiser of content strategy conference CSForum 2016, the first of its kind in Australia.

As well as veteran content professional, Lennie is a qualified project manager, injecting method into what can sometimes seem like an onerous process. She has also developed a framework that logically breaks the process into bite-size pieces, making way for strategic, productive and sustainable content delivery.