Step Change Digital is a unique and different digital consultancy.
We’ve worked for decades in digital projects across a huge variety of organisations. This provided deep knowledge and broad experience, but left us unfulfilled: many of our successful projects didn’t deliver the value sought in the longer-term.
So we elected to work a bit differently: to tackle your business challenges closely with you rather than work as outside experts. We developed a large network of specialists we can tap for each project, rather than needing the same core team for every project. And we realise that your success depends on deep contact with customers and developing strong internal capabilities – not just shiny bits of digital tech.
Our approach is rooted in proven methods spanning customer research; usability, design and content; rapid prototyping and agile project delivery. We’re good at what we do – but we also commit to partner with your team; to leverage your matchless knowledge of customers; and to build your digital capability, not websites.
See a different side of digital – partner with Step Change Digital.